NEW ORLEANS—John J. Deveney, ABC, APR, has accepted his nomination as the Southwest District Director-at-Large for the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Board of Directors – one of four delegates for the world's largest organization for public relations professionals.
Senior counsel and CEO of local public relations firm Deveney Communication, Deveney is one of four Directors-at-Large from across the country on the 2005 slate of nominees. All PRSA Board of Directors nominees are public relations leaders from the technology, health care, corporate and agency sectors.
As the PRSA Southwest District Director-at-Large, Deveney will serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors. The 17-member Board of Directors manages and controls the business affairs of the Society. Members of the Board are the Society's national officers, (chair and chief executive officer, chair-elect, secretary, and treasurer), 12 directors-at-large, and the immediate past chair.
Deveney will work to advance the Society's growth and development through his leadership capabilities. PRSA's Board of Directors, committees, councils and task forces provide guidance and direction at the policy and operational levels of the Society.
About the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) The Public Relations Society of America (, based in New York City, has nearly 28,000 professional and student members. PRSA is organized into 116 Chapters nationwide, 18 Professional Interest Sections along with Affinity Groups, which represent business and industry, counseling firms, independent practitioners, military, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has 250 Chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
About Deveney Communication Leading communication expert John Deveney, ABC, APR, founded the award-winning public relations firm, Deveney Communication (, in 1996. Deveney Communication is an internationally recognized public relations firm that uses integrated marketing to make their international, national and local clients more successful. The firm has been recognized worldwide by the industry for excellence in developing and implementing strategies using media relations, Internet marketing, community relations and crisis management for nonprofit, public, corporate and leaders.